Monday, March 31, 2008

Thing 14

So I set up a library thing account, and it is kind of cool. It would be a great way to have an online database of my books. It would be a good place to store a list for insurance reasons too. These are the books that I lost. Hopefully that will never happen.

I can see how this will be fun personally too. Though I don't seem to have a need for book ideas, since everyday something looks good. It still is fun to find new books.

In our library I don't know how we could use this. It would be fun to show some of our patrons who read a lot and don't know what to read next? I will have to read other peoples blogs to get some more ideas?

We use Novelist for our patrons, but this has the cataloging element as well. I like that.

I like it. I found the hardest part though was remember what books are on my shelves at home when I am at work...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Thing 19


I found a podcast I liked from MPR. It is so neat to have something you like all together without having to search through so many pages. This way I know when something new is available.

I also love to hear the composers datebook on MPR, and I was able to add their posdcast from I enjoy this program, but only catch occasionally depending on what time I am driving to work. Now I can always listen to what I miss.

It would be great to create podcasts of book reviews, or storytimes that would be able to be played from our library's website. They wouldn't have to be updated everyday, but if someone logged in we could give them a recommendation. If we had a myspace page adding a podcast feed of real people telling you about books, or programs would be a great touch. More personal. We would just have to learn to do some recording. Hmmm...can I get a microphone please?

I used the and found a spanish lesson course. This will be better for my pronunciation if I can hear the words!! It was really easy to search and follow

The EPN I am sure is a great resource, but it required too much reading to do the search. If I have a specific thing I am looking for then I will check back, but not now.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thing 17

The spanish language database is neat. I like how it lets you search in english and gives you the results in spanish. That could be very useful.

I am working on my EBSCO page composer. This would be neat to create program or informational pages to link to our city webpage.

I have looked through some of the other pages. What a great resource. Too bad I am not a librarian. But it is a great research place.

The primary sources section is great too. We have many secondary sources here at the library, but those primary sources are often necessary for students doing research.

Thing 15

I think the idea of having gaming contests in the library is cool, it would be a fun entertaining activity for kids. A program like that would take a lot of capital to get started though and then there is the supervision concern.

Puzzle Pirates
Fear the pirate "Ye cats"
Bilging was fun. I was "fine." I challenged a couple of other pirates to practive sword fights, and lost miserably. It was fun though, and I can see how it could be addicting.

My brothers have both been active in the online gaming world. My bothers guild is made up of people from all over the country and it has been a fun thing for him to do in his free time.

I am planning on trying second life, and getting better at puzzle pirates. I think I need to read the wiki though because I just jumped in, and though it was fun. It was also confusing.

My neice (age 7) really liked my pirate.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thing 11

Ok, so delicious is like your browsers favorites, but it is online, so you can take it anywhere. That is what I understood. I like the idea, and it would be nice if I was doing a project, and honestly it would be nice for the 23 things. There are several websites we are using, and it would be nice to have quick links to all of them. OOh, that is on the Minn23's page.

I don't like having to install buttons on my browser.

I think this would be a great reference tool. If there are a lot of pages you use frequently you can have them easy to access whereever you are.

I created a account. Now I just have to have time to put things together as I browse.

Thing 10

Ok I love Wikipedia, though I think it is important to always verify sources.

I liked the Library Success, and the Librarian Bloggers pages. It was cool to see library blogs from around the world, and to see what they are doing.

Ooh, I just added something to the 23 things on a stick page. I added:

23 things on a stick are fun... I also like Ice cream on a stick.


That was really easy. The sandbox thing was confusing.

I would be concerned with the freedom of editing. If I were creating a page I would worry about vandalism. It might be a neat concept if you were doing heritage research, you could work with families and people around the world.

I liked how libraries were using the wikis to show library procedures and areas of the library. Again I worry that the wrong people would edit the page. I agree with teachers that had students using wikipedia for research. It is a great source of information, but sources need to be checked. It could be used as a starting place, but not for official reference.

It is neat to find another option as far as displaying and using information.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thing 9



and to hold them, as the rest of mankind enemies in war, in peace friends.

I like the Zoho, it has a nice look and a lot of options for posting and usage. I think that I would be more likely to use Google Docs since I have Google email, and use the Calendar now.

I am so microsoft oriented that I think online documents are good, but I do everything in word and excel. It will be interesting to try and switch over to those documents. My home budget is in spreadsheet form. One of the hard things about it is having to be at a certain computer to access it. I think my first project will be to switch that to online format. Then my husband and I can access and share it from whereever we are.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thing 8

I don't do a lot of presentations, but if I did doing them online would be the way to go since then I can take them with me without having to lug a laptop, or try to transfer documents and worrying about programs compatability.

Of the three recommended presentation sites, I liked Zoho Show. It had more options than thumbtacks.

The photo flick show was pretty neat. I love playing with photos of my little girl.

The database creation would be good for library use and personal. I currently have a to read document at work for when I see a good book, but it would be nice to create and share something.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Thing 8

Thumbstacks- cool, but no transitions or sound

Thing 3-3

These are funny

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Things 20

The Common craft show thing made me want to upload all my videos. We had a fatal error and I lost 20 days of pictures of my one year old. It was traumatic.

I have a myspace page and I love using it to reconnect with friends. I recently was found by a friend who I have n't seen in 8 years. It is so much fun. I don't use it find new friends though because frankly I have trouble keeping up with all my friends now.

I do like that I can update and view updates especially the pictures from my friends papges. I have a lot of firends that have moved far away and this is a great way to stay connected.

THe HCL Library myspace page is fun. That would be a grat way to connect tot he teens that are at our library and a good way to get feedback.

I like that the Denver page is very teen oriented, and that they have books on their comment areas. It would be a good way to know what kids like.

Thing 18

Youtube is so fun. I love searching for Sesame Street clips to show my little girl, or music videos for me.

It is of course blocked at work, but I can view things at home. Due to the block it isn't as useful at work.

Google video was cool. I wonder if that works at the library...That would allow for some library fun. I am trying to create some library promotions using video. I am responsible for our library channel and the more we can do to promote the better.

There is no sound on this computer...I will continue blog about videos later

Google Videos works at the library. This will be useful for my cable channel, and for advertising if we do more with the tools we have.

If we create videos of the library we can share these on these sites as well!!

Thing 13

I chose the iGoogle homepage and calendar. They seemed easiest since I have set up a new email, and google reader.

The calendar is great! I have a similar program at work, but this I can take everywhere with me, and helps manage homelife too. Having a to-do list is also great since I can't always remember what needs to be done. This should help me plan some events with my friends too since I have trouble remembering what I need to do from week to week.

I really liked all the widgits, and selected quite a few fun ones.

I looked at backpack, but it is so similar to what we already have a tthe library that I don't think it will be useful, but I like that it is there. and I know I will use the PDF converter, only last month we went through a big ordeal because we had a word file that needed converting. Isn't it nice to have all these resources.